
Somos pela escrita, edição e promoção do livro e da leitura infantil e juvenil

Sayid Manuel

by Catarina Gomes

Sayid Manuel is a true story based on the life of Catarina Gomes’ cat!

A cat that was born, grew up, aged and lives in the company of the illustrator that, because of that, pays him a well-deserved homage. A cat who can say - and says it well - that his life could be a book. And it is, of course. It couldn’t have been anyway else, with an owner like that, with such beautiful traces and heart!

Whoever knows Catarina Gomes’ visual narratives, will continue to surprise themselves by the way she tells this very affectionate story!

Details: 64 pages; Hardcover.

Author & Illustrator: Catarina Gomes was born in Porto in 1983. She graduated in Communication Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and in 2013 completed her master's degree in Illustration and Animation at the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave. In 2014 she won the 3rd edition of " Art Book Wanted International Award" organized by Edition Lidu with the " Livro (de atividades) para massajar a imaginação", also awarded in the best 'Interactive Book' category. She is currently a freelance communications designer and illustrator.

The Girl who was afraid of dogs

by Carina Novo

Sofia is a girl who loves to play, dream and run with her long and elegant legs.

But like any other child, she has fears, and hers is very common.

She runs and hides behind her parents t protect herself every time she sees dogs.

Always with her eyes wide open so as to not let any canine come close to her.

Her parents and friends try to help, but every attempt fails, until a certain day something unexpected happens…

In this book you will find:

How to overcome a fear of dogs!

How fears, even when small, seem gigantic!

How friends can help you!

How dogs are your friends!

How animals deserve your respect and kindness!

Details: 32 pages; Hardcover

Author: Carina Novo - I was born in the city of love and perhaps that's why there was a lot of love in my house, in a family where playfullness, joy and laughter were part of the daily routine. And, of course, the books, books that were everywhere. At the age of two, I landed in Viana do Castelo where I lived surrounded by a horde of animals: dogs, cats, ducks, pigs, turkeys, birds, hamsters, sheep, rabbits and chickens, which would serve as inspiration for my stories. In my childhood I spent twice as many hours a day playing in the street, running through the fields, jumping over walls to go play with the neighbours, running barefoot through the streams, accumulating memories that made me a tremendously happy child, attached to notebooks where I wrote my stories. Years later I received a Margarida (daisy) and love became an inexplicable and infinite feeling. But my daughter, born in the city, didn't live surrounded by animals, perhaps that's why she was afraid of dogs, a feeling that would set the tone for the theme of my first book. With her I delved back into my childhood, which is why my project «Carina Novo – Histórias para ler e contar» was born. May life help me to always keep the child in me present and may it allow me to write many books like this and tell dreamy stories like those I heard in my childhood.

Illustrator: Dina Sachse – Born in 1979 in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, Dina has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Design and works as an artist, graphic designer and illustrator. With her particular drawing style, Dina Sachse has participated and won many awards.

Animals' Poems

by João Manuel Ribeiro

A brief anthology that gathers poems from the books Poemas da Bicharada (2008) and Animalices (2011), published by Terramar, as well as half a dozen poems previously unpublished and constitutes the first book on the 10 years celebration of João de Manuel Ribeiro’s literary life.

Animals populate the writing of poets and the drawings of illustrators and inhabit the imagination of children and adults. In these poems, there are resonances of traditional poetry when it comes to the themes discussed, there is the creative recovery of some animals that inhabit the traditional collective memory and there is also the appreciation of the phonetic, rhythmic and melodic component. The focus on the playful aspect of the poems and the language itself results in an approach full of humour and capable of eliciting an aesthetic relationship between children and the poetic text.

Details: 40 pages; Hardcover.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Xan López Domínguez – Born in Galicia but living in Madrid, Xan López Domínguez is not only an illustrator but also a writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in Art’s History by the University of Santiago de Compostela. Over the years he has illustrated for publishers all around the world and won many awards.

Turn the Faucet off When You Brush Your Teeth

by Manuela Vieria

The problem of water scarcity and the hope we can change the world for the best, in Joni’s voice, an eight-year-old child, are lived intensely. More than dreaming, the little boy showed how much we should persist and work to accomplish our dreams. Action. Action, even if when we are asleep. Joni travelled in a dream, had contact with the other side of the world, asked for help until the rooster sang.

A breathtaking ending and, who knows, perhaps after reading this book, you'll alwa

ys remember to turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth.

Details: 36 pages; Hardcover.

Author: My name is Manuela Vieira, I am a mother and grandmother. I was born in Angola, daughter of Cape Verdeans. I grew up connected to the warm weather, Creole, the smell of the earth wet from heavy rains and eating mango, curled up in one of the mango tree trunks. Since I was a child, I have been interested in education. It scared me to see some students being mistreated. Very early on I became angry with the God of religions and worried about finding Him to understand His justice. I liked reading, writing compositions in the Portuguese Language discipline. I spoke above all about people, about the need to be happy. Some moments were recorded in my memory when I joined in the nostalgia of some of Florbela Espanca's poems. I witnessed the great political change in Angola, having come to Portugal at the age of fourteen. After finishing high school, in search of specialized education in the field of gymnastics, I left for the former USSR where I graduated in Physical Education and Sports from the Central University of Physical Culture in Moscow/ equivalence from the Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Porto. Today, my passion for education continues to burn. Not only formal education through books, but, above all, character education.

Illustrator: Paulo Henriques

The Gray Beans Fable

by José Vaz

A story told in the style of a fable, in which the characters are beans of different varieties, according to the human characteristics of typical figures from the Estado Novo period.

A metaphor about the dictatorship experienced by the Portuguese for 48 years and the freedom brought by the carnation revolution on April 25th, 1974.

Three beans, Carrapato, Fidalgo and Frade, took over the kingdom of the “Garden-by-the-Sea-Planted”, stealing the Sun, Water and Air from the other beans, who, due to lack of them, ended up turning gray.

The protests of many beans, such as Vermelho, Canário, Preto or Rajado, managed to give a push to the oppressors (the roots were already rotten) and share what had previously been taken from them.

From that day of Freedom on, the beans started to have their old colours back as Spring had arrived in the kingdom of the “Garden-by-the-Sea-Planted”.

Details: 40 pages; Hardcover.

Author: José Vaz was born in Avintes on January 11th, 1940. He has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Contemporary History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. He is a children’s books writer, with dozens of works issued in many publishers, having been nominated by the Swedish Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) 2024. He has also written children’s theatre plays, having staged them himself or been staged by several theater groups and many primary schools. As a playwright, he was honored by the PFAT – Portuguese Federation of Amateur Theater – within the scope of the XXI Permanent Theater Forum, held in Avintes, in 2018. He is an historian, author and co-author of several historiographical works and a participant in forums, conferences and colloquiums, in the sphere of Local History. He was a local and diocesan activist and leader of the Catholic Workers Youth (JOC), Diocesan President of the Catholic Workers League, and President of the Gaia Writers Association. He was founder and president of Ilha Mágica-Projeto para a Infância e Juventude and of Audientis/Abientes – Center for Documentation and Research in Local History. He was the author of the idea and conception of the Festa da Broa, co-founder of Fórum Avintense, founder consignee of the Confraria da Broa de Avintes, author of the idea of ​​the Quadras à Broa de Avintes Competition and author of the idea and the proposal document for the creation of Avintes Day. He has been awarded: the Municipal Merit Medal – Gold Class – by the Gaia City Council, and the Medal of Honor by the Parish of Avintes.

Illustrator: Sara Cunha – Sara was born in Porto in 1981. It was also in that city where she got her bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a master’s in Image Design. She currently works in design but continues to do book drawings as a freelancer, having received many awards for her illustrations.

Little Martim's Escape

by Angela Antunes

Little Martim is inside a story and wants to get out, because he feels trapped. To do so, Martim asks for help halfway across the world: a jumping grasshopper, a paper plane, a balloon, a bottle, a turtle, a whale, an ET, and many others…

Will Martim be able to find the one who will free him from the story?

Probably yes!

Who will it be?

And how will Martim leave the story?

You will have to read the book to find out this (and much more).

Details: 48 pages; Hardcover.

Author: My name is Angela, I'm a computer engineer and my day-to-day work revolves around programming web applications. A few years ago, I discovered that writing for children makes me escape the daily routine and go to adventures where there are no limits. When writing, I broaden my horizons and unleash my creativity in search of another self, where adventure surpasses all sensations and the limits disappear and give wings to freedom. Writing for children began as a game to tell an adventure I had on the Caminho de Santiago. Then it became a challenge that I really enjoyed, a passionate discovery of creating stories that could inspire and delight children. Writing for children is more than telling stories, it is a journey that allows me to discover myself, flying through the realm of imagination. With each story I create, there are new places to explore and new characters that come to life and face exciting challenges. Writing for children is just that, the freedom to dream, invent, create and shape worlds where there are no limits. When writing for children we have the opportunity to convey meaningful messages in a simple and receptive way for the child, awakening curiosity and introducing the seeds of important values. Writing for children, for me, becomes a connection with my inner child, who dreams of extraordinary adventures and enchanted worlds. Anything can be possible. It's like a treasure map, full of challenges, where the charm of the path is more important than getting to the treasure itself. A children's book becomes an adventure without having to leave your seat, as it allows us to have wings to fly.

Illustrator: Oscar Sánchez Requena – born in Madrid in 1976, but currently living in Portugal, Oscar Sánchez Requena is an independent photographer, graphic designer and illustrator.

Leonor and the Ballerina Taken by the Wind

by Beatriz Meireles

Leonor receives a very special birthday gift: a music box with a ballerina. Suddenly, the Wind blows through the window and damages it, only making her dance with a blow of air, leaving the drawer and controlling the little girl’s emotions.

With the help from Grandpa, they went to the Três Margaridas’ Street to fix it. While asleep in the canopy, Leonor appeared small, together with the Wind and Ballerina, that got herself rid of the music box, on a replica of that same street.

Will they be able to escape the traps on Três Maragridas’ Street, finding the rope from the Ballerina’s box, or will they have to keep, forever, the Wind on the little drawer?

Details: 44 pages; Hardcover.

Author: Beatriz Meireles was born in Paredes, on June 30th, 1985. She lived for a few years in Porto and a few months in Lisbon, at a time when she took a training course in television journalism. She currently resides in Leça da Palmeira, together with her husband and son, and temporarily lives in the south of the country to write, a literary retreat par excellence. As a graduate and master’s in law, she practiced law for more than a decade in the land that is closest to her, Paredes, despite the love she also harbours for Penafiel, where her maternal family comes from. Since 2017, she has been Councillor for Culture at the Paredes City Council, roles that allow her to coordinate, among other interesting projects, the Revista Cultural Orpheu Paredes and Café Literário, as well as numerous art exhibitions at the Casa da Cultura de Paredes and other cultural spaces. She wrote some chronicles and stories for local newspapers. Author of three published books: «Depois da morte (um amendoal em flor)»; (2019), «O Visconde das camélias carmesins»; (2020) and the children's book «Filipe e o Rei da Nuvem»; (2022). She brings many others still hidden to surprise readers. She is passionate about flowers, biographies, novels and poetry, as well as art. Her taste for beautiful things, travel places, cultural heritage and the lives of men seriously drive her writing, a kind of nicotine for those who have never smoked a cigarette.

Illustrator: Bolota – Born in Lisbon, Patrícia Alves, also known by her professional name Bolota, has a bachelor’s degree in Equipment Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. She has a great passion for illustration.

Paper Birds

by Lucinda Cunha

Satoru is a boy who lives in Japan, on a village located between the foot of Mount Fuji and a cursed forest – the Forest of Murmurs – of which many scary stories are told.

It was with great grandmother, the oldest woman in the region, that Satoru learnt the art of folding paper (ori kami) and making the most amazing sculptures. His favourite is the Stork (Tsuru), symbol of happiness and good luck. One day, Satoru is lured to the Forest of Murmurs, where no one has ever been able to come back from.

What will happen to the little boy? Will he be able to find his way back home? Are the stories true or nothing but legends?

Embark on this story and live a surprising adventure with a child that will face his fears and survive to tell the tale.

Details: 36 pages ; Hardcover.

Author: Lucinda Cunha was born in Germany in 1973. She has a bachelor’s degree in Teaching of Portuguese and French as well as a master’s in Portuguese Culture. Native to Vila Pouca de Aguiar, she now works and lives in Guimarães. She has always been fascinated by the word and literature and some of her favourite authors are José Saramago, Eça de Queirós, Padre António Vieira, Jorge Amado, José Eduardo Agualusa, Luís Sepúlveda and Isabel Allende.

She likes to read and write and is starting her own career as a writer without forgetting her job as a teacher.

Illustrator: Paulo Salvador Lopes – born in Maceda, municipality of Ovar, in the year 1974. He is a 1stand 2nd cycle teacher in Visual and Technological Education. Since always he has been connected to drawing and painting and other ways of artistic expression, participating in many exhibitions both individual and collective.

Baa Goes Missing

by Teresa Dangerfield

Little Amélia is visiting her grandma on a village.

After an afternoon spent playing in the park, without anyone noticing – while her mom, grandmother and herself run from the rain – she loses a tiny teddy sheep, Baa.

Somebody finds her, completely drenched, and does everything they can to return her to her owner. All this gives place to a series of mishaps, Amélia lives in the city and eventually goes back home without her little sheep.

Will there be a happy ending?

Will Amélia and Baa ever meet again?

Details: 44 pages; Hardcover.

Author: Teresa Dangerfield was born in Lisbon, in 1956. She has a bachelor’s degree in modern Languages and Literature (Portuguese and English) from the Classical University of Lisbon and a master’s in Translation from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. She has been living in London for more than three decades, where she worked as a Portuguese teacher and Pedagogical Support Teacher at the Coordination of Portuguese Education in the United Kingdom. Although she had already published some poems in collections, she made her short story debut with Até que os Sinos Dobrem, in the Collection Não Vão os Lobos Voltar, in 2021. She has collaborated with the magazine Palavrar since its first edition (2021). She always dreamed of publishing children's stories and saw this dream come true with the publication, in 2022, of the short story Um Aniversário om Tubarões, in the collection Contos que contas tu, from the publisher Trinta-por-uma Linha, after taking part in a children’s short stories writing challenge released by this publisher and, in June 2023, with the publication of the bilingual book A Ovelhinha Perdida/Baa Goes Missing, by the same publisher. She was awarded 2nd Prize in the XXVIII edition of the Hernâni Cidade Literary Prize (2023).

Illustrator: Paulo Henriques

The Broom that Stopped Sweeping

by Ana Oliveira

The broom is worn out, it almost doesn’t have hair.

Tired of sweeping away so much, she decides to go on strike.

In solidarity, while they themselves were tired of working, the mops, cloths, pots, pans, frying pan and even the rooster, that foresees his end in a huge pot, join the broom on a demonstration so loud that it drives the old lady insane.

Details: 32 pages ; Hardcover.

Author: Ana Oliveira was born in Arrifana, municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, and lives in S. João da Madeira. She studied at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, where she completed the Modern Languages ​​and Literatures course – Portuguese and French variant. She is a Portuguese teacher and librarian at the João da Silva Correia School Group. She is the author of the short stories: Do Cinzento ao Azul Celeste; O santo guloso; “Palavras à solta” (included in the anthology Papá, só mais uma); “Nyambura” (included in the anthology 39 poemas e contos contra o racismo - 1st place, in the poetry/story competition against racism, promoted by the High Commission for Migrations); In a nutshell (micro-stories in 77 words). Manages a personal blog where she publishes part of her literary production:

Illustrator: Cátia Vide – She was born in 1990 in Porto, but her life was spent between different cities both in Portugal and Spain. She has a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and has a post-graduate’s degree in Illustration. She has published 8 of her works and won many awards.

In a Mom's Heart

by Maria da Conceição

This book tells the life story of a family that must face childhood oncological disease. It is, for this very reason, an emotional story, full of strong feelings and heart, but also serenity and hope. Gabriela Sotto Mayor’s illustrations, in an out of the ordinary register, lend a density to Maria da Conceição Vicente’s text that will not leave the reader indifferent.

Details: 48 pages; Hardcover.

Author: Maria da Conceição Sousa Vicente has a degree in Romance Philology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, where she also took the Pedagogical Sciences Course. She was a French and Portuguese teacher (2nd and 3rd cycles) and held various positions within the scope of school management and curricular articulation. She was responsible for the school library, having coordinated several projects linked to the promotion of reading and the introduction of ICT in this area. For several years she was involved in teacher training, as an internship supervisor, in the different versions supervised by the Ministry of Education or integrated into the teaching degrees at the University of Aveiro. She received the Tabula Rasa Prize – 1st Fátima Literary Festival, in the category of Children's Literature, for her book Do querer ao ter há muita conta a fazer, ed. Trinta Por Uma Linha. She is the author of several books within the scope of support materials for the study of Portuguese (2nd and 3rd cycles) and Citizenship Education. She has been a member of the jury for the Illustrated Children's Story Prize Correntes d’ Escritas Porto Editora, as a representative of this publisher.

Illustrator: Gabriela Sotto Mayor – With her first illustrated book coming out in 2005, Gabriela continues to use her creativity to draw the stories of many writers. She has a PhD in Child Studies by the University of Minho specialized in Visual Communication and Artistic Expression. She is a mother to two boys that love to read.


by João Manuel Ribeiro

This book is about words: keywords.

Words-poems that open to the reader a sea of meanings, many variations, some startles. Sneaky words, inclined. White words, soft words, woolly words, broad and light words, green words, close words, words of silence and noise, nomadic words...

Words written by João Manuel Ribeiro and captured by the exuberant look of Constança Araújo Amador.

Details: 56 pages; Hardcover.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Constança Araújo Amador – She is both an illustrator and a teacher at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. It is also there she is studying for her PhD. Her works have been published not only in books but also magazines and newspapers.

Where do hugs come from?

by Sandra Lima

Nélia Regina is a very special and happy girl that has her very own way of communicating with nature and those around her. It is through her embrace that she shares her world and she has a tree as her deepest confidant and friend in a world of silence.

She grew up surrounded by the arms of her mom, her sisters and those who retributed her embrace. But a certain day something unexpected happens to her tree and everything changes.

What happened to the tree? How did Nélia Regina react? And the hugs? On this book you will find out: the importance of a hug!

How a tree can hug us!

From whom we can receive a hug!

How good it feels to give and receive a hug!

Where hugs come from!

Details: 40 pages; Hardcover.

Author: Sandra Lima was born in the last century, in a time where hugs and affection were a constant. She was born in the Portuguese city of Love as she likes to call it, where "those who like come and those who love stay". She has two children and many others to whom she dedicates herself every day as a teacher. All of them are forever engraved in her heart. And perhaps that's why there are those who say that she is a rare creature with a huge heart and that she writes as if he were weaving it in filigree. Is it a rare creature to have a heart like that? It's not known. She likes everything that belongs to the world of children. From jumping in puddles of water and carpets of dry leaves. She likes books and toys, trying new things and playing pretend with puppets, marionettes and animated forms. Could this be a rare thing? Maybe not. Either way, she decided to share what is her first story and leave it up to you to discover, after all, what creature it is!

Illustrator: Bolota – Born in Lisbon, Patrícia Alves, also known by her professional name Bolota, has a bachelor’s degree in Equipment Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. She has a great passion for illustration.

My Grandpa, King of Small Things

by João Manuel Ribeiro

This book, as the title says, revolves around a figure whose portrait starts being drawn, directly and indirectly, at the beginning of the narrative: “The house on the threshing floor was Granpa’s palace. In it he had a throne, stored his crown and kept his treasures. In reality, it was simply an old granary made of granite. But it wasn’t the palace that made him king, it was his condition as man of earth and sky, animals and rains, winds and breezes, pomegranates and wheat dolls.

Details: 80 pages; Hardcover.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Catarina Pinto – Catarina Pinto is a portuguese illustrator. She has a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design by the IPCA and has since then worked with textile as graphic designer at Fermir.

Rights Sold to: Spain (Castilian and Galician), Slovenia and Italy

The Big House

by João Manuel Ribeiro

In A Casa Grande, João Manuel Ribeiro presents us with a Citizenship Manifesto. It addresses multi-significant topics such as different languages, latitudes, cultures, colours and religious beliefs. The writer appeals to young readers to practicing and sharing sentiments like love, truth and forgiveness. He invites them to participate in the challenge that is fighting for the conquest of a universal, new and common to those who respect differences. The Big House is a metaphorical album where you can learn to be a “capital” citizen that dreams without fear of growing old and lives with intensity.

Details: 32 pages; Hardcover.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Ricardo Rodrigues

Rights Sold to: Spain (Castilian and Galician)

From Wanting to Having There is a Lot of Math to Do

by Maria da Conceição Vicente

This is the story of a boy that, with the help of his grandparents, and by his own experience, learnt that “wanting” is not a synonym of “having”. Thanks to a carefully prepared "financial plan", which includes the dog Dóri and the little pig Bolota, grandparents and grandson are able to transform wishes into reality and feel the pleasure of their efforts being rewarded.

Book recommended to help projects related to Citizenship Education on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade.

Details: 48 pages; Paperback.

Author: Maria da Conceição Sousa Vicente has a degree in Romance Philology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, where she also took the Pedagogical Sciences Course. She was a French and Portuguese teacher (2nd and 3rd cycles) and held various positions within the scope of school management and curricular articulation. She was responsible for the school library, having coordinated several projects linked to the promotion of reading and the introduction of ICT in this area. For several years she was involved in teacher training, as an internship supervisor, in the different versions supervised by the Ministry of Education or integrated into the teaching degrees at the University of Aveiro. She received the Tabula Rasa Prize – 1st Fátima Literary Festival, in the category of Children's Literature, for her book Do querer ao ter há muita conta a fazer, ed. Trinta Por Uma Linha. She is the author of several books within the scope of support materials for the study of Portuguese (2nd and 3rd cycles) and Citizenship Education. She has been a member of the jury for the Illustrated Children's Story Prize Correntes d’ Escritas Porto Editora, as a representative of this publisher.

Illustrator: Catarina Pinto – Catarina Pinto is a portuguese illustrator. She has a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design by the IPCA and has since then worked with textile as graphic designer at Fermir.

Poems for Peace

by João Manuel Ribeiro

Wouldn’t you love for there to be peace in the world, in your house and in you?

Peace depends on you, me, everyone! If you and I don’t make peace, it is probable that wars will take its place.

If you want peace you have to think and dream, you must ask for it and built it with your own actions.

These poems for peace are a proposal to think, dream, ask and build peace! For yourself and others.

At a time when the war in Ukraine has put the need for peace on the agenda, other conflicts persist, in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc.

To this geographical conflicts are added the internal conflicts that each one has to fight and make peace with.

All these places live inside the poems of this book written by João Manuel Ribeiro.

This book’s poems challenge you to:

Think (and dream) peace

Ask and demand, without fear, peace

Make peace, wherever you are and live

Discover that peace is not (just) the absence of war

Remember the places where, because of war, peace is urgent.

With these poems, you can unite your thoughts, your voice and actions with some peace builders, such as:

Joan Baez

John Lennon

Leonard Cohen

Bob Marley

Bob Dylan

Salgueiro Maia

And others

Details: 60 pages; Paperback.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Memories of a Philosophical Kitten

by Paula Margarida Pinho

These are the memories of a philosophical kitten!

Linda is a determined and energetic kitten, full of dreams and projects. She is still young, but already knows what she wants! She imagines a future where she will be a ballerina and a writer. And she knows that it’s best to start now preparing. To become a ballerina, she does exercises and acrobatic stunts. To become a writer, she writes. And she decided that, to launch herself, there is nothing better than to write her own childhood memories.

The reader is invited to accompany Linda’s story, told in first person, from her birth up to her four months. You will see that this kitten had no easy childhood! Her mother was a stray cat and so, Lisa and her brothers were exposed to all kinds of dangers and seemed destined to a harsh life , in a constant fight for survival. This kitten as the weakest of the litter, and hid inside her a secret heartbreak: she thought her brothers were more beautiful than her. Besides, Linda seemed to attract all sorts of troubles.

What will happen to this kitten? Will she be able to overcome the struggles, grow and develop herself until she fulfils her dreams?

This story is no fairytale. On the contrary, everything is very much real. However, Linda's words manage to involve us and draw us into a special universe, mixed with naivety, fantasy and optimism. We are invited to explore it with pleasure, guided by a sensitive, adventurous and quite philosophical kitten, who tries to understand the world and live her life intensely.

Details: 58 pages; Paperback.

Author: Paula Margarida Pinho was born in Vale de Cambra, where she lives. With a degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literatures, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and a master's degree in Multidisciplinary Portuguese Studies (literature aspect), from Universidade Aberta, she is a teacher at the Búzio School Group, in Vale de Cambra, where she has taught Portuguese , Portuguese Literature and Literature Classics, for high school classes. She has been writing for many years, dedicating herself mainly to poetic texts, but also to other textual genres (narratives, reflections, diaries, memories). She published the books of poems Poesia em Tempo de Prosas (2022, e-book format) and Sistema Solar (2003, Editorial 100). Also in the area of ​​poetry, she has won some awards and participated in several anthologies, magazines and literary and cultural sessions.

Illustrator: Elizabeth Leite – Born in Venezuela in 1982, Elizabeth came to live in Portugal when she was 7 years old. She has a bachelor’s degree in Painting and post-graduate degree’s in both Aesthetic Communication and Teaching of Visual Arts. Besides being a painter and illustrator, she is also a teacher since 2006.

Luna’s Magic in the City of Flowers

by Teresa Dangerfield

In the City of Flowers, Luna, a diplomatic kitten, starts unlikely friendships with Foxy, the fox, Biquinho, the goldfinch, Tomé, the rat, Banzé, the squirrel, Cacheiro the hedgehog and many others.

What will happen when Foxy falls into a trap, sir Pancrácio suffers an accident while trying to shoo away the animals from his backyard, Luna disappears, or causes a mess (and laughter) in a nursing home, a pigeon is attacked by a goshawk, the city’s pastry shop and bakery is infested with cockroaches, Cacheiro is stuck on the line of a lady who hates animals and, at last, the city is celebrating the bicentennial (with a fantastic program that includes a theatre performed by kids) and something goes wrong?

What is Luna’s magic after all?

Or is it the city’s magic?

Details: 134 pages; paperback.

Author: Teresa Dangerfield was born in Lisbon, in 1956. She has a bachelor’s degree in modern Languages ​​and Literature (Portuguese and English) from the Classical University of Lisbon and a Masters in Translation from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. She has been living in London for more than three decades, where she worked as a Portuguese teacher and Pedagogical Support Teacher at the Coordination of Portuguese Education in the United Kingdom. Although she had already published some poems in collections, she made her short story debut with Até que os Sinos Dobrem, in the Collection Não Vão os Lobos Voltar, in 2021. She has collaborated with the magazine Palavrar since its first edition (2021). She always dreamed of publishing children's stories and saw this dream come true with the publication, in 2022, of the short story Um Aniversário om Tubarões, in the collection Contos que contas tu, from the publisher Trinta-por-uma Linha, after taking part in a children’s short stories writing challenge released by this publisher and, in June 2023, with the publication of the bilingual book A Ovelhinha Perdida/Baa Goes Missing, by the same publisher. She was awarded 2nd Prize in the XXVIII edition of the Hernâni Cidade Literary Prize (2023).

Illustrator: Paulo Salvador Lopes – born in Maceda, municipality of Ovar, in the year 1974. He is a 1st and 2nd cycle teacher in Visual and Technological Education. Since always he has been connected to drawing and painting and other ways of artistic expression, participating in many exhibitions both individual and collective.

134 pages ; paperback

In the City of Flowers, Luna, a diplomatic kitten, starts unlikely friendships with Foxy, the fox, Biquinho, the goldfinch, Tomé, the rat, Banzé, the squirrel, Cacheiro the hedgehog and many others.

What will happen when Foxy falls into a trap, sir Pancrácio suffers an accident while trying to shoo away the animals from his backyard, Luna disappears, or causes a mess (and laughter) in a nursing home, a pigeon is attacked by a goshawk, the city’s pastry shop and bakery is infested with cockroaches, Cacheiro is stuck on the line of a lady who hates animals and, at last, the city is celebrating the bicentennial (with a fantastic program that includes a theatre performed by kids) and something goes wrong?

What is Luna’s magic after all?

Or is it the city’s magic?

Author: Teresa Dangerfield was born in Lisbon, in 1956. She has a bachelor’s degree in modern Languages ​​and Literature (Portuguese and English) from the Classical University of Lisbon and a Masters in Translation from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. She has been living in London for more than three decades, where she worked as a Portuguese teacher and Pedagogical Support Teacher at the Coordination of Portuguese Education in the United Kingdom. Although she had already published some poems in collections, she made her short story debut with Até que os Sinos Dobrem, in the Collection Não Vão os Lobos Voltar, in 2021. She has collaborated with the magazine Palavrar since its first edition (2021). She always dreamed of publishing children's stories and saw this dream come true with the publication, in 2022, of the short story Um Aniversário om Tubarões, in the collection Contos que contas tu, from the publisher Trinta-por-uma Linha, after taking part in a children’s short stories writing challenge released by this publisher and, in June 2023, with the publication of the bilingual book A Ovelhinha Perdida/Baa Goes Missing, by the same publisher. She was awarded 2nd Prize in the XXVIII edition of the Hernâni Cidade Literary Prize (2023).


by João Manuel Ribeiro

Do you know the plant known as the dandelion? The one you blow after asking if your father is bald or not?

While blowing these 54 micro-stories you will have to decide.

- if you are bald to know that the destiny made is from small stories.

- or if you believe that, even if small, these short stories can make your hair stand up.

And then, bald or hairy, you can’t dismiss your eyes from admiring Soraia Oliveira’s beautiful illustrations.

Finaly, to the hair and eyes you will have to add the mouth as to be able to blow (read aloud) these micro-stories to your friends, classmates, parents and teachers.

These micro-stories were written while at creative writing workshops with the 4th and 6th grade students from Municipality of Baião and Amarante. Every time I asked a student to write a text on a certain topic, I too would sit and write my version of what I asked the students for.

Seeing as time was scarce, the short stories had to be brief and funny, as to be read to the little writers from whom I learnt so much.

They are now here on this book so that you can be inspired and also venture into writing micro-stories like these ones (or totally different).

Details: 108 pages; Paperback.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Soraia Oliveira – A Portuguese illustrator living in Braga. She has a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design by IPCA and a master’s in Illustration and Animation by the same faculty. She has a deep love for children’s books that led her not only to collect them, but also illustrate them.

The Secrets of the Abandoned House

by Maria Teresa Portal

Did you know that a war leaves marks?

Did you know that 70 years after World War II there’s still traces?

Did you know that drug trafficking networks are increasing, and young people are caught in their mesh?

Many self-destroy with drugs daily!

Did you know that smuggling is a scourge for the world’s economy?

Did you know that our brain is a big mystery about which we only know a tiny part?

How are Zé’s powers explained?

Right! If you mix these ingredients on an alchemist’s mortar and add the author’s love for adventure, fantasy and the occult, you obtain an explosive mixture that culminates on the adventure of The Secrets of the Abandoned House, starring 4 young boys: Zé, Toino, Luís and Gabriel…

With that being said, venture into reading!

Details: 196 pages ; Paperback.

Author: Maria Teresa Portal was born on July 5th, 1955, in Paranhos, Porto. She studied Germanic Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and taught the 9th group, in 77/78, at the Liceu Nacional de Guimarães and the 2nd and 3rd cycles for 42 years, the last 35 at EB2/3 and Caldas das Taipas, where she lives. She's retired. She created «O Pequeno Jornalista», the school newspaper that won 2nd and 3rd places at the School Newspapers Competition in 92/93 and 95/96, maintaining it for 30 years until retiring. She taught Journalism classes, at the Journalism Club, and later at the Journalism and Creative Writing Workshop. She managed the school/group of schools for 25 years, namely as vice-president and deputy director, having received praise in the Diário da República. As a chronicler, she wrote for the regional newspaper O Povo de Guimarães and writes for O Reflexo, the newspaper in the town of Caldas das Taipas. She now wants to dedicate herself to the career as a writer/poet that she left in a drawer while her first occupation was in progress. Many of her stories are published in Jornal Escolar and she read them at schools in the group, namely the Pinheiral Kindergarten. Although her audience is younger, many of its stories are loved by pre- and primary school children.

Illustrator: Paulo Salvador Lopes – born in Maceda, municipality of Ovar, in the year 1974. He is a 1st and 2nd cycle teacher in Visual and Technological Education. Since always he has been connected to drawing and painting and other ways of artistic expression, participating in many exhibitions both individual and collective.

The Secrets of the Half-Moon Village

by Maria Teresa Portal

The adventure begins with the four getting to know the EB23 they will attend. On the day of the presentation, they meet the class director and Visual and Technological Education teacher, José Alverto H. Ribeiro, better known as Beto, half gypsy and architect.

All teachers have nicknames; Gipsy Indian (accompanied Beto since college); the Knowing Witch, Portuguese and Study teacher, runs the Student Support Office and more, which is why she is also known as the Knowing Witch/ Psychologist Witch. Miss Cup, Sapinho, Franguinho, Miss Pílulas…

A teacher, Untuoso, will be the fuse to set everything on fire. He is arrested but manages to escape.

The revival of neo-Nazism appears in force in the village, where chests of Jewish goods were found in the 1st adventure, on the house of Isabel, the heiress of Abandoned House.

Everyone ends up being entangled, in one way or another, in the mysteries that exist in the village.

How and why is Luís almost kidnapped at the school Christmas Party and ends up kidnapped in the end? What will be the outcome? What is Ti Jaquim’s role in the plot? And the gypsy tribe? And why are Ana Luísa, Isabel, Beto, Ti Jaquim and Manolo Hernan himself, chief of the tribe and Beto's adoptive father, targets to be shot down?

Do you like mysteries?

Then you must read this book.

Details: 192 pages; Paperback.

Author: Maria Teresa Portal was born on July 5th, 1955, in Paranhos, Porto. She studied Germanic Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and taught the 9th group, in 77/78, at the Liceu Nacional de Guimarães and the 2nd and 3rd cycles for 42 years, the last 35 at EB2/3 and Caldas das Taipas, where she lives. She's retired. She created «O Pequeno Jornalista», the school newspaper that won 2nd and 3rd places at the School Newspapers Competition in 92/93 and 95/96, maintaining it for 30 years until retiring. She taught Journalism classes, at the Journalism Club, and later at the Journalism and Creative Writing Workshop. She managed the school/group of schools for 25 years, namely as vice-president and deputy director, having received praise in the Diário da República. As a chronicler, she wrote for the regional newspaper O Povo de Guimarães and writes for O Reflexo, the newspaper in the town of Caldas das Taipas. She now wants to dedicate herself to the career as a writer/poet that she left in a drawer while her first occupation was in progress. Many of her stories are published in Jornal Escolar and she read them at schools in the group, namely the Pinheiral Kindergarten. Although its audience is younger, many of its stories are loved by pre- and primary school children.

Illustrator: Paulo Salvador Lopes – born in Maceda, municipality of Ovar, in the year 1974. He is a 1st and 2nd cycle teacher in Visual and Technological Education. Since always he has been connected to drawing and painting and other ways of artistic expression, participating in many exhibitions both individual and collective.

The Blue Eyes of M.H.

by Albertina Seco

I have a dream.

I want to change the world, and I know how.

These are the words of M.H. on the last page of her diary. Maria Hortense and her three friends believe that that world starts on the school entrance, where Fisgas, the homeless man with blue eyes, leaves them restless when he disappears.

The four teenagers do everything they can to find him, because they are sure of one thing: Fisgas needs help.

While wandering, they meet the dark side of an indifferent town full of injustice and dangers.

But their watchful eyes will take them to a surprising discovery that will condition the course of their lives’ projects.

Details: 180 pages; Paperback.

Author: Albertina Seco – The degree in Modern Languages and Literature from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra led me to work as a Portuguese teacher since 1986. With all the students I helped grow over the years, I too learned the importance of reading and of stories in the construction of our personalities. I know that it is from school and through books that we become better people. As teacher librarian, I read a lot and write to introduce young teens to real and invented stories that help them become BIG people. And I believe that I too can, through my words, contribute to a more just and beautiful world.

Illustrator: Soraia Ramalho was born in 2001, in Coimbra, and is in love with the most varied means of communication. She grew up in Figueira da Foz, but her curiosity and love for writing took her to the “Invicta” City (Porto), where she graduated with a bachelor’s in Communication Sciences: Journalism, Consulting and Multimedia from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. Interested in learning and sharing the stories of the people and places of this city, she joined the PortOuvido team, a radio program included in the online newspaper JornalismoPortoNet which, in November 2021, was nominated for the “Radio” category of the Podes – Podcast Festival. In parallel, her desire to express herself through illustration grew, thanks to projects from design classes, which challenged her to create her illustration and graphic design page, Soraia Creations. Currently, she develops her work in the areas of communication and marketing.

Joana's Jeans

by João Manuel Ribeiro

Did you know that jeans are a symbol of the youth culture?

On the poems Joana’s Jeans by João Manuel Ribeiro, the culture of those who are not children anymore, and yet still not adults, is poetically captured in its paradoxical and contradictory richness.

The search for identity, crushes, flirtations, relationship with parents and school, contradictions and dilemmas, emotions on the surface, personal and professional challenges, dreams and desires, growth, trends, conventions, the digital, the technologies’ influence… are all here poetically read and written with the sensibility of a poet to whom the harshness and irony of the foam of the days doesn’t escape.

These poems were written to be kept on the pocket of the jeans of teens and youngsters but can also have a spot on the parents and educator’s bags.

Whoever reads and rereads this book will:

See themselves in growth (or how they grew)

Identify themselves with many current trends

Learn to grow and accept oneself in the contradictions typical of age and life

Have fun and laugh at yourself

Students in the 2nd and 3rd Cycles (and in High School) will certainly be left with goosebumps while reading this book, such is the power of the poetic word! And you will have complete freedom to say the poems out loud to each other, or to whisper them in your ear or to write them where they can be read or to rewrite them in your own way and according to the rhythm of your hearts!

Long live these poems for adults and teenagers!

Details: 60 pages; Paperback.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Rights Sold To: Slovenia, Spain (Castilian and Basque) and North Macedonia

Dusukun Belebeleba and the Colour of Affection

by Margarida Teixeira Lucas

Dusukun Belebeleba and the Colour of Affection is an homage to love, tenderness and the magic of a boy that overcomes his fragilities through perseverance and will to live. Belebeleba became motherless but intends to fulfil the mission that she entrusted upon him. Griô, the chief of the tribe, is insightful and soon realizes that the boy has special gifts and accomplishes deeds greater than his size.

This is a contagious and touching story, since it is a trip through the mysticism that surrounds the lives of the desert’s nomad tribes, their cultural heritage and their costumes. At the same time, it allows us to reflect about relevant themes, consecrated on the Children’s Rights Convention: family, inclusion, social inequality, death, respect, citizenship…

This story won’t leave you indifferent! Trust Me!

Details: 36 pages; Paperback.

Author: Margarida Teixeira Lucas (1962), Early Childhood Educator, master in Early Childhood Education (specialization in Multicultural Education and Parental Involvement), from the University of Minho. Postgraduate in Reading, Learning and Integration of Libraries in Educational Activities, from FPCEUP. Degree in Education Sciences (Child Education Branch) from the same faculty. Completed the Specialized Training course in School Administration and Educational Administration, at ESEP. As professional experience, she highlights teaching Pre-School Education, coordinating Pre-School Education internships at ESE Paula Frassineti, Pedagogical Coordination at the ME Childhood Education Center, teacher training, and, Establishment Coordination, at Escola Básica da Costa and Escola Básica de Mirante de Sonhos, in the São Lourenço School Group. In 2019, she decided to embrace the challenge of working with students of different age groups, as a librarian teacher, in the same group of schools.

Illustrator: Sara Oliveira is a portuguese graphic designer and illustrator. She has a bachelor’s degree in Design and a master’s in Publishing Studies both by the University of Aveiro. Due to her academic path she does illustrations but also translation, revision and graphic design.

The Story of The Ant and the Cicada that Wasn’t Deceived

by Maria da Conceição Vicente

The Cicada no longer had the strength to sing! The only alternative to its weak state was to ask for help from Ant who, this time!, took itself out of its care to help it. But is the Ant that exemplary and methodical animal that we are used to knowing? Or beyond its uncompromising selfishness, does it have other secret "evil acts"? If you read this story, you will see that neither the Cicada nor the Ant are what they seem. And you need to be alert!...

Book recommended to help projects related to Citizenship Education on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade.

Details: 48 pages; Paperback.

Author: Maria da Conceição Sousa Vicente has a degree in Romance Philology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, where she also took the Pedagogical Sciences Course. She was a French and Portuguese teacher (2nd and 3rd cycles) and held various positions within the scope of school management and curricular articulation. She was responsible for the school library, having coordinated several projects linked to the promotion of reading and the introduction of ICT in this area. For several years she was involved in teacher training, as an internship supervisor, in the different versions supervised by the Ministry of Education or integrated into the teaching degrees at the University of Aveiro. She received the Tabula Rasa Prize – 1st Fátima Literary Festival, in the category of Children's Literature, for her book Do querer ao ter há muita conta a fazer, ed. Trinta Por Uma Linha. She is the author of several books within the scope of support materials for the study of Portuguese (2nd and 3rd cycles) and Citizenship Education. She has been a member of the jury for the Illustrated Children's Story Prize Correntes d’ Escritas Porto Editora, as a representative of this publisher.

Illustrator: Cátia Vidinhas – Born in 1989, Cátia is a designer and illustrator with a graduate degree in Graphic Design and post-graduate degree in Image Design. She later went on to have a master’s in Multimedia. She has illustrated many books published not only in Portugal but also internationally.

The Balloon-Goatling and the Headless Princess

By Agostinha Pópulo

To those readers that, often times, tend to walk around with their heads on the clouds or talking a blue streak, the children’s book The Balloon-goatling and the Headless Princess, by Agosina Pópulo, with illustrations by Bolota has the perfect formula to prevent that dangerous combination, that could lead to losing your head.

Anyone who has already let their heads slip away out of levity or because they are unlucky, I urge them to grab this work so as not to repeat the same dose, as not always will there be a Goatling-Hero that comes to the rescue and a Royal Mage eager to use magic to help in the difficult mission, which is a true epic in search of the lost head. Will they find it? We will see…

Details: 100 pages; Paperback.

Author: My name is Agostinha Pópulo and I was born in April 1978. I live in Ermesinde-Porto. I am married and mother of two children, a boy aged 17 and a girl aged 6. I'm from Trás-os-Montes, raised among the cliffs of the municipality of Valpaços, where I lived and studied until I completed high school. From a young age, I harboured the idea of ​​becoming a teacher. Thus, I entered the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, in Chaves, where I studied for a degree in Teachers of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. In 2000, I entered the world of teaching and, over more than 22 years of service, my professional and human experience grew with each flower I picked from other people's gardens. As a child, I began to cultivate a love of reading. The pressing need to express my ideas and thoughts arose when I was 13/14 years old. Since then, several works have been created in the field of poetry, literature and children's literature. Writing is a pleasure, it is also a physiological need, as well as an escape from the vicissitudes of everyday life and a kind of catharsis. As I write, little by little, the broth of emotions experienced comes out of me.

Illustrator: Bolota – Born in Lisbon, Patrícia Alves, also known by her professional name Bolota, has a bachelor’s degree in Equipment Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. She has a great passion for illustration.

Mr. Worst Is the Best

by João Manuel Ribeiro

What was supposed to be just a week-long vacation on a beach of Galicia ended up becoming a family’s adventure, “hunt” by a dark tide and, little by little, transformed by a father, named Worst, that understood and helped discovering the importance of options and attitudes for the planets’ sustainability and for a healthier life. Through the hand of Mr. Worst and his naughty family, we are taken to the heart of one of the most relevant themes of our times: ecology. With them we learn, for sure, to think and change some of our behaviours. With him we also become the “Best”. With them we become Eco-Warriors.

Details: 56 pages; Paperback.

Author: João Manuel Ribeiro (1968- ) is a poet, writer, editor and researcher. In addition to reading and writing, he enjoys studying, having a PhD in Educational Sciences and a master’s in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He has a master's degree in books and children's and youth literature, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has also a master's degree and a degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Porto. Being considered as «one of the most promising authors of poetry for children», he published more than five dozen books of Children's and Young People's Literature, divided between poetry and narrative. He is the director of A Casa do João – Revista de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil and publishes critical texts on the blog He is represented in School Manuals, Grammars and Activity Books, some of them from Porto Editora. He loves visiting schools and meeting his readers.

Illustrator: Bolota – Born in Lisbon, Patrícia Alves, also known by her professional name Bolota, has a bachelor’s degree in Equipment Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. She has a great passion for illustration.

Rights Sold to: Spain (Castilian and Galician)

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